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How do you find a complex number in polar form

Hello welcome to chafia physic. In this post i just want to share with you some problem that related with complex number and How to find a complex Number in polar Form . In this post we will also discussing about Function of complex variable with some sample question related with it. Ok first let's we start discussing about a complex number. A.Origin of Complex Number During our time in school we faced so many function and equation that describe something. Just for an example: we can describe free fall motion with quadratic equation like this.  if x is t and a is -g now we can find how long a ball or a thing, fallen from initial heigth c. Now lets just focusing on quadratic equation. In this equation we can find x with abc formula, and from the abc formula we will get to value of x related with equation. Suppose we set the equation and get b quared is less than 4ac. As yo can see, in our x now containt i, where i is square root of -1. i is imaginary number, this nu
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Damped Harmonic Oscillator Derivation

Welcome to Chafia Physic. In this post we will derrive the equation of motion of Damped Harmonic Oscillator . To derrive the equation of motion first we must draw the diagram of this motion in 1 Dimensional system. In this system as we can see. If we give the box a Force to the right, at instant spring force and friction will comes up in opposite direction with the force we gift. With Newton second Law we can write the total of Force acting on the box to be. Suppose we set x is equal to e^lamda t, we can subtitute it to differential equation. Subtitution will give us. Simplify the equation we get. Now we looking for lamda. From earlier we set x = e^lambda*t. Here we get two lambda, so x will have two solution. Because there are two solution of x, complete equation of Damped Harmonic Oscillator  is sumation or superpotition of this two equation.  With this equation the are three posibilities related with how big the magnitude of gamma and omega.

What is terminal velocity and how it reached?

Welcome to Chafia physic. In this post i just want to share with you about, What is terminal velocity and how it reached . Fisrt lets start about what is definition of teminal velocity. Terminal velocity is a maximum velocity that a thing (example: a ball) can reached when it moves inside a fluid (example: air, water, oil, etc). The reason why this maximum velocity comes up is a force that called Drag Force , where it force has opposite direction with the movement. This opposite force in one situation will make the total force to be zero, and make the ball moves in constant velocity. To get more understanding with this situation let's we take a look with example below. Problem: A ball with mass m=0.01 kg and radius R=0.05m falling from the rooftop 120 m from street without initial velocity. If the density of Air is 1.2 kg/m^3 and the Drag coefficient is 0.5 (for sphere) Find terminal velocity of this ball. And compare with the velocity of ball before hit the street if the drag

How do you solve Newton's Law Problem with Answer

Hello welcome to Chafia pyhsic. In this post we will answer one of the big question in google about Newton's Law. The quaestion is How do you solve Newton's Law Problem?. Or how can we solve Newton problem. The answer for this question is ... depend, the answer is depend on what situation or mechanism that you want to analyze with Newton's Law. But i will share with you the scheme or the flow that we can use to solve the problem. First thing that you must to do to solve one problem is Draw all of posible vector and interaction on the object or problem you want to solve clearly. After that Interact all of the vector separetly on their own axes. Example: if you wanna analyze parabolic motion and you want to get the x and y equation of time, you must seperate the vector of velocity into x and y axes, and then interact all of vector appears in x and y direction. Finnaly subtitute all of constant that you know from the question to the equation that you get from interaction